Monday, November 20, 2006
Im in terrible need for some excitement in my life right now ):
And im craving for some sort of adventure, somthing to WOW me off my feet. At this stage in my life, even a traumatic, life-changing happening would do. See how desperate I am?

Suddenly im missing **********. Wont say what it is. Go figure it out yourself. Sigh.

samm spoke at 3:39 AM

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I never learn from my past mistakes.
I always push things too damn far.
I suck.

Shit happens.

samm spoke at 7:10 AM

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Shant take things too seriously.

Life;s too short to agonize and fret over what you can;t control. What comes, comes. &what goes, will go... If it comes round again, lucky you. If not, something will replace it. Something better (:

samm spoke at 9:37 PM

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Hmmm. Third blog for the month. More blogs this month than the total number of blogs in Year2005. I must have alot of free time on my hands. Well, should be studying now but heck. I;m not in the mood. Never was, never will be.

First time i;ve seen a ten year old kid and a three year old toddler drink. And i mean DRINK. Champagne and red wine, respectively. You should have seen their faces. Hahaha. Damn cute. Anyhow i, personally, think it;s a good idea to let your baby drink. He/she will be so put off by it, they;ll NEVER wanna drink ever again.

HappyThought No. 1: my closest friends will all be back for Christmas this year!
HappyThought No. 2: school officially ends, for me, in exactly thirty days!
HappyThought No. 3: i;ll get to see *him* tomorrow (:

Okayy. Enough blogging for now. And prolly for the rest of the month as well. Enough said.

samm spoke at 3:51 AM

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sometimes trying too hard to be happy and stay happy, only makes you fall even deeper into the pits. When Happy Thoughts ain;t enough to keep you floating around up there in Cloud9. Oh well. Shitty, all shitty.

NEED some retail therapy. Quick. Have to curb my spending, but i have a dilemma: I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!! If only Adam&Eve didn;t eat that damn fruit. We wouldn;t have this nothing-to-wear trouble then. We could go around au naturel then, with no problems at all. But i guess we;ll prolly find new ways to dress something else; our head, or feet, or hands. Humans are vain, period. Then we;d have the same ol' problem all over again. Sigh.

Think HappyThoughts. Think HappyThoughts. I need a Peter Pan in my life.

samm spoke at 8:50 PM

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Dreary and drab weather to match my mood. Perfect. Just perfect :/ When i take the cobweb-collecting brolly out, no sign of rain. Not even the slightest hint of a dingy cloud floating nearby. Then when i stuff that brolly back into the darkest corner of my dresser, the clouds all seem to conspire and congregate, drenching me. Oh the wonders of life.

In about a month from now, i;ll be free as a bird. Or bluebird. Whatever makes you happy. Right now, work is piling up around my feet. Threatening to smother me. Right now, my brain;s filled with Einstein, Marx, Miller, Kurosawa, Weber, Yeats, Zelizer, Durkheim, Ozu and Rose. Samm;s best friends for the rest of my semester. Hanging out with these guys is gonna be a Blast. WoooHOO.

This Race ain;t easy, so pull yourself together and carry through.

samm spoke at 12:35 AM